Our Team.
Our dedicated Board of Directors, volunteers, and staff work tirelessly to create a global interfaith community in the Metro Atlanta area and beyond. We could not do what we do without their leadership, support, and compassion.
1 / Statement Against Mass Shootings
Georgia faith communities denounce continued mass shootings in America
2 / Joint Statement on 2016 Campaign Rhetoric
Atlanta faith-based and community organizations speak out against the violent and extremist rhetoric of the 2016 Presidential Campaign
3 / Statement Following Mass Shooting in Orlando, FL
Faith communities in metro Atlanta demand action, grieve most recent mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
4 / Joint Statemet Against Executive Order on Immigration
Atlanta's interfaith community responds to President Trump's executive order on immigration
5 / Atlanta’s Interfaith Organizations Denounce President Trump’s Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement
Atlanta’s interfaith organizations strongly denounce President Trump’s decision to exit the Paris Climate Agreement, citing that this act abandons our nation’s commitment and moral responsibility to address global climate change.
6 / Joint Statement on Violence at Rally in Charlottesville
Atlanta interfaith community speaks out against racism, whit supremacy, and violence at a public event in Charlottesville, VI
7 /Statement of Support for Our Somali Neighbors
Atlanta's interfaith community stands in solidarity with the victims of a terrorist truck coming in Somalia
8 / Open Letter to Georgia Senators Perdue and Isakson
Interfaith leaders from across Atlanta publish an open letter to Georgia Senators on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
9 / Joint Statement Against Treatment of Migrant Famiies
Interfaith leaders speak out against the deplorable treatment of migrant families
10 / Joint Statement Demading U.S. Leaders Act to End Gun Violence
Interfaith leaders in Atlanta are urging elected officials to take immediate and meaningful action to end gun violence.
Interfaith Community Initiatives takes public stands to support our mission and to advocate for a more peaceful and open society. We actively promote models of civility and build bridges across faith, racial, ethnic, cultural, political, and socio-economic divides. Select a link from the right to download our statements.